
The results of an investigation into the effects of the magnetic processing procedure on the intrinsic coercivity of a Sm(Co0.673Cu0.080Fe0.222Zr0.025)8.92 (2∶17-type) alloy are reported. Two basic types of magnet were investigated: polymer-bonded fine powder magnets and cast (solid) magnets. The fine particles which were processed into polymer-bonded magnets were prepared by two different methods; i.e. by milling or by a hydrogen treatment. The cast magnets were manufactured from selected parts of solidified ingots exhibiting preferrred orientation and along directions parallel to the preferred orientation of magnetization. Magnetic properties and Vickers microhardness measurements on the solid solution treated (1170° C) and isothermally aged (800° C) samples, revealed that there was a clear similarity between the variations of the intrinsic coercivity and microhardness values versus ageing period. This suggests a coercivity mechanism for the present 2∶17-type alloy which is predominantly controlled by general domain wall pinning by a critical dispersion of coherent precipitates. Certain aspects of the intrinsic coercivity against ageing time variations of the variously processed magnets as well as the corresponding microhardness variations have been attributed to a partial conversion of coherent precipitates to semi- or in-coherent particles during processing.

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