
Echinoid pigments have various biological properties such as antioxidant, cytotoxic, and antibacterial activities. We aimed to evaluate the extraction of cell-free coelomic fluid (CFCF) and coelomocyte lysate (CL) as well as qualitatively and quantitatively identify the coelomic fluid of Echinometra mathaei as a new source of polyhydroxylatednaphthoquinone (PHNQ) antioxidant pigments. Based on the High Performance liquid chromatography–electrospray mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) analysis in negative mode, the main quinonoid (PHNQ) pigments were identified and quantified. This study also illustrated the total ion current chromatograms and related mass spectra of Spinochrome A, Spinochrome B, Spinochrome C, and Echinochrome A in CL and SpinochromeC in CFCF samples. The ions at 221, 279, 265 and 263 m/z correspond to the pseudo-molecular [M − H] ions of Spinochrome B, Spinochrome C, Echinochrome A, and Spinochrome A, respectively. These components have previously been noted from the shells and spines of sea urchins but identification of PHNQs pigments in CL and CFCF of E. mathaei using LC-MS was introduced for the first time. The results also showed that, the highest DPPH radical scavenging activity of CFCF (88.12 DPPH% scavenging at 70 μg/mL, IC50 = <10 μg/mL). The findings clearly suggest that the coelomic fluid of E. mathaei could be served as the promising as well as potential natural antioxidants in the medical and pharmaceutical industries and could replace the increasing prices of the commercial antioxidants products.

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