
Evidence regarding the functional subdivisions of human auditory cortex has been slow to converge on a definite model. In part, this reflects inadequacies of current understanding of how the cortex represents temporal information in acoustic signals. To address this, we investigated spatiotemporal properties of auditory responses in human posterolateral superior temporal (PLST) gyrus to acoustic click-train stimuli using intracranial recordings from neurosurgical patients. Subjects were patients undergoing chronic invasive monitoring for refractory epilepsy. The subjects listened passively to acoustic click-train stimuli of varying durations (160 or 1,000 ms) and rates (4-200 Hz), delivered diotically via insert earphones. Multicontact subdural grids placed over the perisylvian cortex recorded intracranial electrocorticographic responses from PLST and surrounding areas. Analyses focused on averaged evoked potentials (AEPs) and high gamma (70-150 Hz) event-related band power (ERBP). Responses to click trains featured prominent AEP waveforms and increases in ERBP. The magnitude of AEPs and ERBP typically increased with click rate. Superimposed on the AEPs were frequency-following responses (FFRs), most prominent at 50-Hz click rates but still detectable at stimulus rates up to 200 Hz. Loci with the largest high gamma responses on PLST were often different from those sites that exhibited the strongest FFRs. The data indicate that responses of non-core auditory cortex of PLST represent temporal stimulus features in multiple ways. These include an isomorphic representation of periodicity (as measured by the FFR), a representation based on increases in non-phase-locked activity (as measured by high gamma ERBP), and spatially distributed patterns of activity.

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