
CONTENTS 18.1 Introduction 496 18.2 What Is Codex? 496 18.3 Why Is Codex Important? 497 18.4 Structure of Codex 498 18.5 Standards Development and AdoptionProcedure of Codex 502 18.6 National Delegations and Decision Making in Codex 504 18.7 Codex and Science 505 18.8 Codex and Food Hygiene 51218.8.1 Codes of Hygienic Practice 512 18.8.2 Hygiene Provisions of Commodity Standards 514 18.8.3 Other Food Hygiene Activities 515 18.8.4 Hygiene Guidance for Specific Foodborne Pathogens ... 515 18.8.5 Microbiological Criteria 51518.9 Microbiological Risk Assessment and Risk Management 517 18.9.1 Microbiological Risk Assessment Guidance Document. 517 18.9.2 Joint Expert Group on Microbiological Risk Assessment..519 18.9.3 Microbiological Risk Management 51918.10 Other Codex Work Areas 520 18.10.1 Foods Derived from Modern Biotechnology 520 18.10.2 Equivalence of Sanitary Measures Associatedwith Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems 52118.10.3 Traceability=Product Tracing 521 18.10.4 Inspection of Imported Foods Based on Risk 522 18.10.5 Antimicrobial Resistance 522 18.10.6 Principles for Risk Analysis for Applicationby Countries 522 References 523The Codex Alimentarius (meaning food code) Commission, or Codex as the organization is usually termed, is an international intergovernmental food standards organization whose importance increased substantially after the signing of the GATT Uruguay Round Trade Agreements and the implementation of the World Trade Organization (WTO). With the formal recognition given to Codex in the WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement), Codex moved to the forefront of international science-based standards setting bodies associated with food safety and quality. Its standards, guidelines, and recommendations have substantial impact on food products that are internationally traded. The efforts of Codex in the areas of sound science and risk analysis have substantially affected the manner in which international food standards setting is undertaken. Codex additionally has the potential to significantly affect domestic food regulation because of the linkage of Codex to international trade agreements, and because of its impact on food regulatory bodies in individual member countries.

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