
<p><span>We present in this contribution the varied experiences gathered in the co-design of a</span><br><span>sectoral climate services collection, developed in the frame of the MEDSCOPE project.</span><br><span>This colletion of climate services have in common the application of seasonal predictions for the Mediterranean</span><br><span>geographical and climatic region. The project was originally conceived to develop and</span><br><span>evaluate climate services for various sectors with high societal impact in the region:</span><br><span>renewable energy, hydrology, and agriculture and forestry. The project also served as</span><br><span>the scientific branch of the WMO led Mediterranean Climate Outlook Forum (MedCOF)</span><br><span>that had as objective -among others- partnership strengthening on climate services</span><br><span>between providers and users within the Mediterranean region. The diversity of the</span><br><span>MEDSCOPE experiences in co-designing shows the wide range of involvement and</span><br><span>engagement of users in this process across the Mediterranean region, which benefits</span><br><span>from an existing solid and organized community of climate services providers and</span><br><span>users. A common issue among the services described here -and also among other</span><br><span>prototypes developed in the project- was related with the communication of forecasts</span><br><span>uncertainty and skill for efficiently informing decision-making in practice. Another</span><br><span>challenge concerns the demonstration of the economic, social, and environmental</span><br><span>value of predictions provided by these MEDSCOPE prototypes.</span></p>

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