
Code switching and code mixing occur when bilinguals switch or mix language in speech or conversation. Some of the students used code switching and code mixing to avoid misunderstandings in their explanations. In addition, the researcher noted that the use of code switching and code mixing with Indonesia and English is done in a classroom presentation. Based on the issues, the purpose of this research is to find out the types and the reasons used code switching and code mixing of EFL students in the classroom presentation of UINSI Samarinda. This research used a descriptive qualitative design. The data and sources data of this research was TBI 3 in the fourth semester of the ESP course with 5 students. This research used the researcher itself as the main instrument and interview. The data were collected using an audio recorder. Based on the result, the researcher found that the most common code switching used by students was inter-sentential code switching. Next, code switching used by students were intra-sentential code switching and tag code switching. Moreover, the most common code mixing used by students was intra-sentential code mixing. After that, the second common code mixing used by students was involving a change of pronunciation. However, intra-lexical code mixing was not used by students in a classroom presentation. The students’ reasons used code switching and code mixing were talking about a particular topic, quoting somebody else, being emphatic about something, interjection, repetition used for clarification, and intention of clarifying the speech interlocutor.

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