
At a time when deepfake technology is extensively employed, this study explores the serious problems produced by deepfake misinformation and recommends a comprehensive cyber security architecture to lessen its effects. Deepfakes are a serious threat to the authenticity of digital information because they use sophisticated artificial intelligence algorithms that have outlived their original novelty. This study examines the psychological effects of manipulated media, sheds light on the intricacies of creating deepfakes, and examines actual incidents that highlight the pervasive effects of deepfake misinformation. Our suggested cyber security plans include cutting-edge detection algorithms, blockchain technologies and extensive outreach programmes. Through promoting a shared dedication to openness and truth, symbolised by the figurative ‘code of silence’, this study seeks to strengthen the digital environment against the ubiquitous impact of misleading content, thereby adding to the larger conversation about preserving authenticity and trust in an increasingly digital age.

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