
Instruction cache misses are a significant source of performance degradation in server workloads because of their large instruction footprints and complex control flow. Due to the importance of reducing the number of instruction cache misses, there has been a myriad of proposals for hardware instruction prefetchers in the past two decades. While effectual, state-of-the-art hardware instruction prefetchers either impose considerable storage overhead or require significant changes in the frontend of a processor. Unlike hardware instruction prefetchers, code-layout optimization techniques profile a program and then reorder the code layout of the program to increase spatial locality, and hence, reduce the number of instruction cache misses. While an active area of research in the 1990s, code-layout optimization techniques have largely been neglected in the past decade. We evaluate the suitability of code-layout optimization techniques for modern server workloads and show that if we combine these techniques with a simple next-line prefetcher, they can significantly reduce the number of instruction cache misses. Moreover, we propose a new code-layout optimization algorithm and show that along with a next-line prefetcher, it offers the same performance improvement as the state-of-the-art hardware instruction prefetcher, but with almost no hardware overhead.

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