
In a Code Division Multiple Access system (CDMA) cellular network, many users concurrently transmit packets across the frequency band, such packets separated on the basis of their signature. User signature wave forms be commonly orthogonal thus to avoid interference among distinct users. Receiver needs to identify the bits of multiple CDMA users, has exponential complexity from the number of lively user's wave forms. In this situation Multi user detection and code allocation plays vital role in cellular network. Proposed work designed to minimize the user interference and Bit Error Rate (BER) using Enhanced Harmony Search Algorithm (EHSA) based optimized code allocation in multi user detection cellular network. So that code allocation to each user can easily customized for their own optimization problems. Best of the harmony search and biogeography algorithm have been taken out and we developed enhance harmony search protocol for code generation and allocation to wireless devices in CDMA system. Memory activation, randomization done using harmony search and pitch adjustment is done using migration and mutation operation based on immigration and emigration rate. This is implemented using network simulator 2 (NS-2).

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