
Code clone serves as a typical programming manner that reuses the existing code to solve similar programming problems, which greatly facilitates software development but recurs program bugs and maintenance costs. Recently, deep learning-based detection approaches gradually present their effectiveness on feature representation and detection performance. Among them, deep learning approaches based on abstract syntax tree (AST) construct models relying on the node embedding technique. In AST, the semantic of nodes is obviously hierarchical, and the importance of nodes is quite different to determine whether the two code fragments are cloned or not. However, some approaches do not fully consider the hierarchical structure information of source code. Some approaches ignore the different importance of nodes when generating the features of source code. Thirdly, when the tree is very large and deep, many approaches are vulnerable to the gradient vanishing problem during training. In order to properly address these challenges, we propose a hierarchical attentive graph neural network embedding model-HAG for the code clone detection. Firstly, the attention mechanism is applied on nodes in AST to distinguish the importance of different nodes during the model training. In addition, the HAG adopts graph convolutional network (GCN) to propagate the code message on AST graph and then exploits a hierarchical differential pooling GCN to sufficiently capture the code semantics at different structure level. To evaluate the effectiveness of HAG, we conducted extensive experiments on public clone dataset and compared it with seven state-of-the-art clone detection models. The experimental results demonstrate that the HAG achieves superior detection performance compared with baseline models. Especially, in the detection of moderately Type-3 or Type-4 clones, the HAG particularly outperforms baselines, indicating the strong detection capability of HAG for semantic clones. Apart from that, the impacts of the hierarchical pooling, attention mechanism and critical model parameters are systematically discussed.

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