
ABSTRACT KAERI has been operating an integral effect test facility, Advanced Thermal–Hydraulic Test Loop for Accident Simulation (ATLAS), for accident simulations of advanced pressurized water reactors. As an integral effect test database for major design basis accidents has been accumulated, a domestic standard problem (DSP) exercise using ATLAS was proposed in order to transfer the database to domestic nuclear industries and to contribute to improving the safety analysis technology for pressurized water reactors (PWRs). As the third DSP exercise, a double-ended guillotine break of the main steam-line at an 8% power without loss of off-site power was decided as a target scenario. Seventeen domestic organizations joined this DSP exercise. They include universities, government, and nuclear industries. The participants of DSP-03 were classified into three groups and each group has focused on the specific subject related to the enhancement of the code assessment; (1) scaling capability of the ATLAS test data by comparing with the code analysis for a prototype, (2) multi-dimensional thermal–hydraulic phenomena anticipated during the steam-line break transient, (3) effect of various models in the one-dimensional safety analysis codes.

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