
To date, there have been reported several quality factors Q(f) = Q0fα in the literature for the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB), with significant variations between them. Most of these studies do not fully specify the parameters used in their analyses or they rely on seismograms of earthquakes whose epicenter lies outside the study zone. In this paper, quality factors were determined for the TMVB from the analysis of coda waves. For this purpose, there were used local records related to earthquakes with the epicenter lying inside the TMVB. A division of the study area is considered according to the geological characteristics, and a correlation with the coda Q(f) values was obtained. Results show a clear dependenceof Q(f) on the characteristics and location of the source. Important variations were identified in comparison with studies that report Q(f) values for the TMVB using different methodologies and source characteristics.

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