
The paper investigates the phenomenon of cluster simplification process at word-final level of English loans to Chittagonian Bangla through vowel epenthesis and consonant deletion. An Optimality eoretic (OT) analysis follows and exemplifies the cluster simplification process. It has been well represented that the emergence of constraint *CLUSTERCODA (Kager 1999) is in the driving seat in Chittagonian Bangla. MAX- C/V and CONTIGUITY are two more vital constraints beside two lower ranked faithful constraints MAX-IO and DENT-IO that rank in the vowel epenthetic and consonant deletion process. Further, ANCHOR-IO (R) works vital as the second lowest ranked constraint before DEP-IO. Deletion of ‘r’ in coda cluster is very distinctive in CB. Finally, it is apparently found that, the deletion of consonant /r/ results in a merger and thus influencing the lengthening of preceding monophthong to keep the syllable weight intact in CB.

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