
Wild potato species contain many traits of economic importance. Late blight (LB) resistance and cold chipping are traits desired in potato cultivars. These traits could be co-currently introgressed if they occurred together in wild potato species. Our research objectives were (1) to determine if variation for cold chipping exists between potato species, accessions within species, and plants within accessions all having foliar LB resistance, and (2) to identify wild potato genotypes combining LB resistance and cold chipping. Materials include 665 genotypes from 43 LB-resistant accessions of 12 potato species having Endosperm Balance Numbers (EBN) of 1, 2, and 4, and 59 LB-resistant genotypes retained from these accessions for breeding. Potato chips were made from greenhouse-grown tubers following storage at 4 C for 6 months. Chip color was scored 1–10, ≤ 4 is acceptable by industry standards. Most of the variation for chip color was due to differences between species. Species ranged in the percentage of acceptably chipping genotypes (0% – 67%) with nine of 12 species having cold-chipping genotypes. Appreciable variation was present within accessions as well. The best chipping accessions wereS. verrucosum plant introduction (PI) 161173 – 4.33 / 0.67 (mean / proportion acceptable genotypes),S. stoloniferum PI 250510 -4.36 / 0.64,S. pinnatisectum PI 347766 -4.65 / 0.35 and 275233 -4.73 / 0.44, andS. megistacrolobum PI 195210 -5.14 / 0.29. Eleven 1EBN genotypes fromS. pinnatisectum andS. trifidum and five 2EBN genotypes fromS. verrucosum, S. fendleri,S. stoloniferum, andS. microdontum were identified that combined LB resistance and cold chipping. Co-current introgression would require fewer breeding cycles than other breeding methods to identify hybrid genotypes possessing both traits.

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