
Coccygodynia is characterized by pain located in the Coccyx and the sacrococcygeal joint. In general, coccygodynies have the reputation of being rebellious to pharmacological treatments: analgesic and infiltrations just give irregular success on the one hand, and surgery: a sometimes-heavy treatment for a modest lesion on the other hand. Manual medicine and osteopathy in coccygodynia occurring after a fall, bariatric surgery or after childbirth are almost all immediately cured by the maneuver we propose in this article. Osteopathic manual medicine is truly a first-line method of therapeutic choice regarding editorials and our own clinical experiences. The osteopath will determine what are the structures involved in coccygeal pain, investigate the different anatomical causes. He will thus be responsible for removing all joint, ligament and muscular blockages of the pelvis, both locally and remotely, which is not generally possible with pharmacological therapies.

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