
Coccidiosis remains one of the major problems of the poultry industry. Caused by Eimeria species, Coccidiosis is a contagious parasitic disease affecting poultry with great economic significance. Currently, in order to prevent health problems caused by this disease, broiler farmers make extensive use of coccidiostats in poultry feed, maintaining animal health and, in some cases, enhancing feed conversion. The presence of unauthorized substances, residues of veterinary products and chemical contaminants in the food industry is of concern, since they may pose a risk to public health. As the use of coccidiostats has been increasing without any requirements for veterinary prescription, research and surveillance of coccidiostat residues in poultry meat is becoming imperative. This review presents an up-to-date comprehensive discussion of the state of the art regarding coccidiosis, the most used anticoccidials in poultry production, their mode of action, their prophylactic use, occurrence and the European Union (EU) applicable legislation.

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