
The purpose of the review is an update of diagnosis and treatment of coccidioidomycosis infection in solid organ transplant (SOT) patients. Endemic fungal infections continue to be a cause of serious morbidity and mortality in transplant recipients. In transplant patients there are recommendations regarding screening in areas that are endemic for coccidioidomycosis. This screening involves serologic testing and chest imaging. In endemic areas pretransplant seropositivity varies from 1.4 to 5.6%. In immunocompromised patients with elevated complement fixation titers, evaluation of cerebrospinal fluid is recommended even in the absence of symptoms. Although coccidioidomycosis can be a self-limited disease in immunocompotent patients, all SOT patients should be treated regardless of severity. This may include intravenous amphotericin B in severe cases and fluconazole therapy in milder episodes. In those SOT recipients with evidence of prior coccidioidomycosis, lifelong secondary prophylaxis with fluconazole given risk of recurrent disease. Coccidioidomycosis continues to be a cause of serious morbidity and mortality in transplant recipients but with proper screening and treatment can be successfully managed.

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