
The consequences of chronic cocaine administration on fear-potentiated startle were evaluated in two experiments. Cocaine treatment (40 mg/kg) for 7 days prior to fear acquisition (light + shock pairings) had an attenuating influence on the ability of the conditioned stimulus (CS) to increase acoustic startle. When cocaine was administered in the context of the CS, following fear conditioning, a marked enhancement of potentiated startle was observed. In contrast, an extinction of the fear response was seen in saline and procaine animals repeatedly exposed to the nonreinforced CS. The results from control subjects injected with cocaine either in the shock chambers (contextual cues) or in their home cage environment, suggest that the systemic effects of this stimulant served to intensify the fear-eliciting properties acquired by the CS during fear conditioning. These findings demostrate a cocaine sensitization of conditioned fear, and were related to the emotional and psychological disturbances associated with long-term cocaine use.

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