
Ingestion of balloons containing illicit substances along with the potential toxic sequelae associated with these ingestions have been described in the literature. This report describes the successful bronchoscopic retrieval of a cocaine balloon after aspiration. A 39-year-old man was witnessed swallowing several balloons that were thought to contain heroin. Shortly after ingestion, the patient became unconscious and required nasotracheal intubation. Before intubation, several balloons were removed from the oropharynx. Naloxone 4 mg was administered en route to the emergency department (ED). Following naloxone, the patient awoke and became agitated and combative. On arrival in the ED, midazolam, succinylcholine, and vecuronium were required to manage his combativeness. Vital signs were: heart rate, 130 beats/min; blood pressure, 128 86 mm Hg ; respirations, 12 breaths/min; temperature, 96.5°F. A balloon and balloon tip were removed during lavage. Whole bowel irrigation with a polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution was initiated. A right upper lobe infiltrate was identified on chest X-ray and aspiration of a balloon was suspected. At bronchoscopy, a small yellow, intact balloon visualized in the basilar segment of the right lower lobe was removed. Toxicologic analysis of the balloon contents found cocaine. The rest of the patient's hospital course was unremarkable and he was discharged 5 days after admission. This case brings to light the potential concerns, such as respiratory compromise, associated with aspiration of small balloons in the body stuffer. Additionally, the potential for the development of toxicity if the balloon ruptures and toxin absorption occurs through the lungs should be considered. Emergency physicians and toxicologists should be aware of this significant complication of packet ingestion in the body packer or stuffer and be prepared to intervene early during the course of the patient's treatment.

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