
-2 M of CoSO 4 + 1M (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 at pH 4.5 (natural pH). All solutions were prepared by using analytic grade reagents with ultra pure water (Millipore-Q system) and were deoxygenated by bubbling N 2 for 15 min before each experiment. Once the solution was deoxygenated a nitrogen atmosphere was maintained over the solutions. During the experiment the bubbling was stopped to avoid the presence of additional diffusional variables caused by the nitrogen bubbles on the electrode surface. The working electrodes were freshly cleaved HOPG surfaces. A graphite bar with an exposed area greater than the working electrode was used as counter electrode. A saturated silver electrode (Ag/AgCl) was used as the reference electrode, and all measured potentials are referred to this scale. The electrochemical experiments were carried out in a BAS potentiostat connected to a personal computer running the BAS100W software to allow the control of experiments and data acquisition. In order to verify the electrochemical behavior of the electrode in the electrodeposition bath, cyclic voltammetry was performed in the 0.600 to -1.300 V potential range. The kinetic mechanism of Co deposit onto HOPG was studied under potentiostatic conditions by the analysis of the experimental potentiostatic current density transients obtained with the potential step technique. In all cases, the perturbation of the potential electrode always started at 0.600 V because this is the null current zone in where the Co deposition had not still begun. Thus, the application of this potential guarantees that the electrochemical signals recorded during the cathodic polarization are caused by the cobalt electroreduction on the electrode. 20

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