
Razvoj nekaterih jam v obalnih stenah polotoka Gargano je odvisen od prisotnosti kraskih brecastih cevi. Ce te cevi, ki lahko predstavljajo tudi vodonosnike, prerežejo obalne stene, jih lahko izpraznijo udarni valovi. Na ta nacin se lahko razvijajo kupolaste jame, ki se vcasih odpro na povrsje. Prispevek predstavlja model geoloske in geomorfoloske zgodovine, s pomocjo katerega je mogoce razložiti nastanek brecastih cevi in omenjenih jam. In the coastal cliff of the Gargano peninsula the development of some coastal caves is controlled by the presence of breccia-pipes structures. The breccia-pipes, which may host aquifers, when intersected by the cliff are partially emptied by the waves. In this way dome-like caves may develop, which sometimes open to the surface above. A preliminary model of the geological and geomorphological history leading to the formation of the the breccia-pipes and of this type of cave is outlined.

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