
Abstract. Coastal Inundation is the amount of water levels that reach above normal level due to flooding in coastal areas. This natural phenomenon is due to the rising of local sea level. This study aims to develop a coastal inundation simulation along the coastline of Terengganu. To ensure the success of this study, the rate and magnitude of sea level rise are calculated using Radar Altimetry Database System (RADS) from multi-mission satellite altimetry data. The rate of sea level rise is computed using robust fit regression technique and overlaid with global Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data, known as TanDEM-X. The overlaid data are utilised to simulate the probable areas to be affected by inundation from year 2040 to 2100 using ArcGIS software. The results obtained from the period of 1993 to 2015 show that the average rate of sea level rise along the Terengganu shoreline is 4.84 mm/year with a standard deviation of 0.49 mm/year. By 2100, the estimated average regional sea level rise is projected to increase by 0.412 m. This study could help coastal development planning, defence, and safety monitoring.

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