
Beach and sun tourism in the Colombian Caribbean is an extremely important activity that leads to social practices that generate recreational and economic activities directly impacting the environment. The research focuses on assessing the sensitivity to the loss of beaches as tourist resources in four locations within the Colombian Caribbean (Santa Verónica, Salinas del Rey, Bocatocino, and Las Arenas). The sensitivity indicator was developed using GIS to process variables such as the width of the usable beach, the presence of dunes, and rates of coastal erosion spanning from 2003 to 2019. Additionally, anthropic occupation was examined through satellite images. The results allowed for identifying vulnerability indices and recognizing the critical role of dunes in beach preservation. The study revealed that the analyzed beaches exhibited varying degrees of sensitivity. Notably, historical erosion rates and dunes were the most influential variables affecting sensitivity. In conclusion, understanding the sensitivity state concerning the loss of beach areas as tourist resources helps delineate stable sectors and those more susceptible to erosion processes. This knowledge proves invaluable in prioritizing the design and implementation of protective measures in areas requiring urgent attention.

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