
We studied the snail fauna of four primeval forests of Central Slovakia and focused on the influence of forest type and coarse woody debris (CWD) on species assemblages. We found a total of 3281 individuals from 39 species. Species assemblages differed between the forests. In SW-facing oak forests, CWD enhanced the proportion of forest species such as the wood-grazing Cochlodina laminata and decreased the proportion of euryecious species like the litter-dwelling Punctum pygmaeum. In NE-facing beech forests, hygrophilous species such as Carychium tridentatum dominated the assemblages. This litter-dwelling snail was especially abundant close to CWD. The NE-facing beech forests harbored more species and individuals than the SW-facing oak forests did. CWD enhanced snail abundance, species richness and biodiversity, irrespective of forest type. We found positive correlations for abundance and species richness to the amount of leaf litter, C org, N tot, Ca 2+, and K +; snail abundance was also positively correlated to soil pH. All these soil chemical factors were higher close to CWD than distant from CWD.

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