
A coalmining city is a unique city economic type that relies on the exploitation and utilization of coalmine resources for its economic and social development. Under the restraint of coalmining resource reserve and the influence of exploitation of the resources, the development of a coalmining city generally undergoes four stages: the starting period, the growth period, the maturity period and the decline period. The development of coalmining resources, on the one hand, supports a coalmining city's economic development and on the other hand, has some severe negative impact on its ecological environment, having great influences on the coalmining city's sustainable development. By building up a Logistic dynamics model based on coalmining city growth and development track, this article simulates the different development periods of the cities. This indicates that when the development element base reaches zero, the contribution of coalmining to the city's economic development reaches the threshold value of sustainable development. Furthermore, before the coalmining city enters into the decline period, it could actually establish a diversified industrial structure to avoid its dependence on one single industry so as to realize sustainable development.

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