
The northern portion of the Tertiary high-pressure schist belt in New Caledonia contains, from west to east, a metamorphic progression from lawsonite-albite facies through glaucophanitic greenschists to eclogitic albite-epidote amphibolites. This belt is flanked to the west by Upper Cretaceous-Eocene metasediments, of prehnite-pumpellyite grade. Paraschists throughout this whole sequence contain abundant carbonaceous material which shows a progressive metamorphism from coal to graphite. Structural analysis of lithostatic load and oxygen isotope data have provided a PT profile for the carbon metamorphism. In the prehnite-pumpellyite metasediments, phytoclasts were progressively coalified to anthracite rank under PT conditions which extended up to 3 kb/255 ° C at the lawsonite isograd where graphite first appears. On the high grade side of the lawsonite isograd a transitional mixed zone of continued coalification and graphitization occurred within the PT range 3 kb/255 ° C to 5.5 kb/335 ° C which included the ferroglaucophane isograd. Immediately beyond this zone all phytoclasts were completely graphitized before the epidote isograd was reached at 6.3 kb/ 390 ° C. The prevailing metamorphic environment retarded coalification, but accelerated graphitization, under conditions of high pressure and a low temperature gradient (7 ° C/km) that had been generated within the sedimentary pile by rapid tectonic thickening and consequent deep burial.

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