
Coalescence may not occur immediately when droplets impact a liquid film. Despite the prevalence of the high-temperature condition during the impact process in many applications, the effect of droplet temperature on droplet coalescence is rarely considered. In this study, we experimentally investigate the droplet coalescence during the impact of hot droplets on a liquid film by using color interferometry, high-speed imaging, and infrared imaging. We find that the coalescence of the hot droplet with the liquid film can be delayed which is mediated by the intervening gas layer between the droplet and the film. Compared with droplets at room temperature, the residence time of hot droplets can increase by more than two orders of magnitude. We find that the thickness of the gas layer increases with the droplet temperature, explaining that the thermal delay of coalescence is due to the thicker gas layer. During the hot droplet impact, the temperature gradient at the bottom of the droplet induces Maranogni flow, which can delay the drainage of the intervening gas layer. The results also show that as the Weber number increases, the residence time of the droplet decreases because of the thinner thickness of the gas layer.

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