
The bituminous coals of the Mecsek Mountains were formed during the Early Lias and are of paralic origin. The limnic complex of the layers consists of sandstone, aleurite and coal, and the upper layer contains marl of marine origin. The 9–15 minable coal seams have a thickness of 1.2–14.0 m. The Mecsek Coal Field and the coal complex within it show a folded and fractured structure, and with regard to their mechanical behaviour, are strongly stressed. 75–90% of the coal material is vitrinite, and 1–14% is inertinite. The quantity of liptinite is smaller than 9%. The coal rank is that of gas coal and fat coal with a reflectivity of 0.85–1.5%, respectively. The coal rank differences and variations according to zones are the consequence of forces of various magnitude that occurred in the course of orogenic movements. During the Early Cretaceous, there was some under-sea-bed volcanic activity in this field, the diabasic material of which appeared in the form of a bed vein along the coal seams, and this has exerted a strong metamorphic influence on the coal. It has resulted in thermo-contact alteration, i.e. in the appearance of natural coke and semicoke of various degrees of metamorphism. This alteration badly affected the quality and technological characteristics, especially the cokability of the coal.

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