
The coagulation of sodium montmorillonite by inorganic salts (NaNO3, Ca(NO3)2 and La(NO3)3) was studied by combining classical turbidity measurements with wide-angle-X-ray scattering (WAXS), small-angle-X-ray scattering (SAXS), and transmission X-ray microscopy (TXM). Using size-selected samples, such a combination, associated with an original quantitative treatment of TXM images, provides a true multiscale investigation of the formed structures in a spatial range extending from a few ångstroms to a few micrometers. We then show that, at neutral pH and starting with fully Na-exchanged samples, coagulation proceeds via the formation of stacks of particles with a slight mismatch between layers. These stacks arrange themselves into larger porous anisotropic particles, the porosity of which depends on the valence of the cation used for coagulation experiments. Face-face coagulation is clearly dominant under those conditions, and no evidence for significant face-edge coagulation was found. These structures appear to arrange as larger clusters, the organization of which should control the mechanical properties of the flocs.

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