
For several years, the use of oil for driving vehicles, generating power and many other activities has caused the world to become highly dependent on it, which is running out. The paper purposes to clarify the Biodiesel stands out among these alternatives as a potential replacement for petroleum diesel, and it is obtained through the transesterification of vegetable oils or animal fat. As a methodology, the study opted for a case study using equations to calculate the final fuel consumption of buses urban transportation in Rio de Janeiro City. As findings, we obtained that to being renewable, biodiesel reduces Brazil's dependence on petroleum and emits less greenhouse gases such as CO2. The paper includes social and pratical implications: based on calculations performed considering petrodiesel consumption in Brazil, this study aims to quantifying CO2 emissions until 2025. The value is in to avoid emissions when methyl biodiesel produced from soybean oil is used as part of the fuel, considering the blend percentages determined by the Brazilian government for the established period.

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