
Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions are potential global warming threats and are accepted physical manifestations of increasing anthropogenic and development activities around the globe. Carbon dioxide (CO2) having the highest contribution in it, understanding of its mitigation pathways is important for combating global warming and climate change. This paper on CO2 sequestration and utilization for energy security in six sections is divided in two parts. We begin with natural carbon cycle, increasing carbon dioxide emissions from the energy sector, and the need for removal of excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Among various geo-engineering approaches, carbon capture, storage and utilization comprises of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) - a land engineering technique for climate control and carbon dioxide utilization (CDU) through direct and indirect routes - a move for closing the carbon cycle toward a low carbon growth strategy. Several CO2 reuse applications have come up for the energy industry. In part 2 of the paper, we present an overview of the existing initiatives by international and national agencies towards capability development. To address the challenges of capacity building in the emerging energy technology, a series of awareness workshops for researchers in academia and industry were organized in India. The contents of present book as an outcome of an awareness and capacity building workshop held in 2015 are covered. This chapter oversees latest developments, serves as Introduction to the book as well as presents the case for strengthening CO2 utilization research in India and makes policy advocacy recommendations. The need for a CCU-Net India is highlighted.

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