
When different simulation units are coupled together there are different choices to take, in particular regarding the granularity of such a co-simulation. When prototyping systems, it is typically favourable to get an initial idea of how a collection of simulation units work together without spending too much time setting up the orchestration. However, the granularity of such a simulation may be far away from what is needed in relation to the purpose of the simulation. In order to enable more flexibility and control over the co-simulation it is necessary to be able to steer the orchestration in a more detailed manner. This paper presents an open source co-simulation orchestration engine based on the Functional Mockup Interface standard but with a Domain Specific Language (DSL) enabling detailed control between the individual simulation units. The same tool can thus be used right out of the box for low-granularity co-simulation, and for high-granularity simulation the DSL enable a significant flexibility.

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