
This letter proposes a novel co-saliency model to effectively discover and highlight co-salient objects in a set of images. Based on the gross similarity which combines color features and SIFT descriptors, some co-salient object regions are first discovered in each image as exemplars, which are exploited to generate the exemplar saliency maps with the use of single-image saliency model. Then both local recovery and global recovery of co-salient object regions are performed by propagating the exemplar saliency to the matched regions, and border connectivity is further exploited to generate the region-level co-saliency maps. Finally, the foci of attention area based pixel-level saliency derivation is used to generate the pixel-level co-saliency maps with even better quality. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed co-saliency model outperforms the state-of-the-art co-saliency models.

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