
We report a Herschel detection of high-J rotational CO lines from a dense knot in the supernova remnant Cas A. Based on a combined analysis of these rotational lines, and previously observed ro-vibrational CO lines, we find the gas to be warm (two components at 400 and 2000 K) and dense (1e6-7 cm-3), with a CO column density of 5e17 cm-2. This, along with the broad line widths (400 kms-1), suggests that the CO emission originates in the post-shock region of the reverse shock. As the passage of the reverse shock dissociates any existing molecules, the CO has most likely reformed in the last few years, in the post-shock gas. The CO cooling time is comparable to the CO formation time, so possible heating sources (UV photons from the shock front, X-rays, electron conduction) to maintain the large column density of warm CO are discussed.

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