
Integrating wind farms into electrical networks reconfigures energy matrices and poses new challenges to system operators. For instance, wind farm owners must now guarantee spinning reserves stipulated in grid codes. This prompts an urgent quest for optimizing power and reserve allocation in liberalized markets using advanced models. In this sense, this paper introduces an optimal power flow (OPF) model to co-optimize power and spinning reserve in multi-area electrical networks with wind farms. The granularity and layout of the wind plant are considered for a correct calculation of the spinning reserve in each variable speed wind turbine. Unlike classical OPF studies, where generator participation is free and mandatory in system reserves, this new approach considers both power and reserve as variable factors in the optimization process, which depend on reserve costs, system load, and wind speed. The approach is evaluated through comparative analyzes on two power networks: a small 12-bus, two-area network with two wind farms and a larger 100-bus, four-area network with four wind farms. Multi-period 12-hour look-ahead analyzes are conducted with variable conditions of demand and wind speed. The studies demonstrate the advantages of the new model compared to the classical OPF, showcasing its ability to optimize power dispatch with wind farms actively contributing to the spinning reserve requirements of the power network.

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