
THERE has recently been circulated to all members of the Chemical Society, the Institute of Chemistry and the Society of Chemical Industry a draft agreement between the three Societies in regard to cooperation. The adoption of the agreement is unanimously recommended by the Council of the Society of Chemical Industry and the draft agreement was published in Chemistry and Industry on March 15. The agreement provides for the establishment of a fund to be administered by a Chemical Council consisting of three members nominated by the Council of each Society, together with three representatives of industry, co-opted in the first instance on the nomination of the Association of British Chemical Manufacturers. The objects of the fund are the allocation of grants to the constituent bodies for the co-ordination of scientific publications, promotion of research, maintenance of a library, etc. Complete freedom of action is reserved to each constituent body in respect of the matter it publishes. The management of the library of the Chemical Society is delegated to a joint library committee, and contributions to the net annual maintenance expenditure are to be borne by the constituent bodies in proportion to their membership, with due allowance for overlap. This involves, for example, an increase in the contribution of the Institute of Chemistry to £654 and from the Society of Chemical Industry to £448. The agreement is for seven years and thereafter to continue for successive periods of three years, subject to right of withdrawal on giving one year's notice at the end of any period. If the agreement succeeds, it is anticipated that means of reducing subscriptions to the three organisations will be found.

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