
Endocrine cells exhibiting immunoreactivity to FMRFamide-like, LPLRFamide-like, neuropeptide Y(NPY)-like and peptide YY(PYY)-like peptides were found in the periphery of the Brockmann bodies of the cod, Gadus morhua, and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. No immunoreactivity or very weak labelling was found with antisera to pancreatic polypeptide (PP). Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-like immunoreactivity was found in nerve fibres, whereas labelling with VIP antiserum in endocrine cells disappeared after preincubation with nonimmune serum. There were always more immunoreactive cells in the rainbow trout than in the cod. No immunoreactivity could be seen with antisera to gastrin/cholecystokinin (CCK) or enkephalin. Double-labelling studies were performed to study the colocalization of the peptides in peripheral endocrine cells. Cells immunoreactive to NPY were also labelled with antisera to FMRFamide, LPLRFamide and PYY. The co-localization pattern of NPY varied; in some Brockmann bodies, a population of the immunoreactive cells showed co-localization and others contained NPY-like immunoreactivity only, whereas in other Brockmann bodies, all NPY-labelled cells also contained FMRFamide-like, LPLRFamide-like and PYY-like immunoreactivity. Cells immunoreactive to PYY similarly contained FMRFamide-like, LPLRFamide-like and NPY-like immunoreactivity, comparable to the patterns observed with NPY. Glucagon-like immunoreactivity was found at the periphery of the Brockmann bodies. A subpopulation of the glucagon-containing cells contained NPY-like immunoreactivity. PYY-like immunoreactivity was also found co-localized with glucagon-like immunoreactivity, as were FMRFamide-like and LPLRFamide-like immunoreactivity. Therefore, either NPY-like and PYY-like immunoreactivity together with FMRFamide-like and LPLRFamide-like immunoreactivity occur in the same endocrine cells of the Brockmann body of the cod and rainbow trout, or a hybrid NPY/PYY-like peptide recognized by both NPY and PYY antisera is present in the Brockmann body.

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