
Aliphatic hydrocarbon levels were determined by the GC/MS technique in fish livers of Engraulis encrasicolus (Ee) and Trachurus trachurus (Tt), collected from a particular area of the Mediterranean Sea, called GSA 10, which is located exactly in Tyrrhenian Sea between Campania coast and North Sicily coast. The aim was to evaluate their potential use as specific bioindicators towards this class of contaminants. Both Tt and Ee are considered to be pollution monitoring bioindicators, due to their dominance in marine communities and economic fishing interest. Ee showed a higher tendency to bioaccumulate TAHs, due to the lower quantity of fatty acids in liver tissues with respect to Tt. The area under study has been characterised a) chemically with the acquisition of temperature, oxygen and salinity profiles along the water column, and b) ecologically with the determination of amino acid contents in fish eyes, in order to gain information on the adaptation to environmental changes. Moreover, specific activities of two hydrolytic enzymes, such as alkaline phosphatase and peroxidase in fish epidermal mucus, together with lactate in blood plasma and cortisol levels, have been investigated for the first time, in order to obtain insights into the effects of hydrocarbons on animal welfare. A multiple co-inertia analysis was also applied to chemical and environmental parameters, in order to explore any possible correlation between different variables. The multivariate approach showed a clear spatial distribution between environmental and chemical variables in Ee, whilst there was an absence of a spatial trend in Tt. Moreover, the chemometric analysis showed a very high correlation between amino acid profiles and environmental variables for both species, confirming the possibility of being used as ecological welfare indices for short-term environmental variations.

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