
Abstract The Digital Health and Care Institute is a new innovation centre in Scotland which aims to transform health and social care delivery using a dynamic model of innovation ( www.dhi-scotland.com ). Experience Laboratories are at the core of this model and are led and developed by the Institute of Design Innovation at The Glasgow School of Art. Experience Labs provide a new way of working collaboratively within health and social care contexts in Scotland through a process of exploration, co-design and co-creation, and rapid prototyping of ideas. Bring together academic, business and civic partners, Experience Labs provide the opportunity for extreme collaboration in a safe and realistic environment. Through a series of design-led activities, which position the user at the centre of the design process, the Labs enable the trialing of ideas and co-design of sustainable health and social care solutions, together with end-users. This paper presents the findings of a design-led project to co-design a new directory of services application for the Scottish Ambulance Service. The Experience Lab aimed to explore and develop a basic prototype of a Directory App to support ambulance clinicians to consider alternatives to Accident and Emergency where appropriate, and support initial small scale testing. The Experience Labs provided the opportunity to co-design, develop and test a solution with users. The design-led approach enabled the delivery of a set of user-driven requirements for the development of the Directory App. The safe space for trialling and testing provided by the Labs together with the design-led approach allowed users to share their ideas and experience, contributing to the design of the ideal Directory App.

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