
Abstract The gas-phase CO abundance (relative to hydrogen) in protoplanetary disks decreases by up to two orders of magnitude from its interstellar medium value of ∼10−4, even after accounting for freeze-out and photodissociation. Previous studies have shown that while local chemical processing of CO and the sequestration of CO ice on solids in the midplane can both contribute, neither of these processes appears capable of consistently reaching the observed depletion factors on the relevant timescale of 1–3 Myr. In this study, we model these processes simultaneously by including a compact chemical network (centered on carbon and oxygen) to 2D (r + z) simulations of the outer (r > 20 au) disk regions that include turbulent diffusion, pebble formation, and pebble dynamics. In general, we find that the CO/H2 abundance is a complex function of time and location. Focusing on CO in the warm molecular layer, we find that only the most complete model (with chemistry and pebble evolution included) can reach depletion factors consistent with observations. In the absence of pressure traps, highly efficient planetesimal formation, or high cosmic-ray ionization rates, this model also predicts a resurgence of CO vapor interior to the CO ice-line. We show the impact of physical and chemical processes on the elemental (C/O) and (C/H) ratios (in the gas and ice phases), discuss the use of CO as a disk mass tracer, and, finally, connect our predicted pebble ice compositions to those of pristine planetesimals as found in the Cold Classical Kuiper Belt and debris disks.

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