
view Abstract Citations (56) References (26) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS CO and H2O observations of the H II region NGC 281. Elmegreen, B. G. ; Lada, C. J. Abstract Two molecular cloud fragments that appear to be separated by a channel of ionized gas at the southern edge of the H II region were detected by CO observations of the region around NGC 281. Near an H2O maser discovered at the northern edge of one cloud, near the interface between the cloud and the H II region, 12-CO temperatures and line widths reach a maximum value. Since a ridge of enhanced continuum emission from the H II region is also found to be coincident with the maser position, it is thought that the maser source is adjacent to an ionization front which is progressing into the back side of the molecular cloud. The dynamical history of the region is considered, and it is suggested that the proximity of the maser to the edge of the molecular cloud could indicate that gravitational instabilities detected there may already have resulted in star formation. Publication: The Astrophysical Journal Pub Date: January 1978 DOI: 10.1086/155801 Bibcode: 1978ApJ...219..467E Keywords: Carbon Monoxide; H Ii Regions; Interstellar Masers; Water Masers; Astronomical Maps; Gravitational Collapse; Hydrogen Ions; Interstellar Chemistry; Nebulae; Stellar Evolution; Astrophysics; Dynamics:H II Regions; Masers:Molecular Clouds full text sources ADS | data products SIMBAD (2)

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