
Abstract Over 90% of patients with glioma experience tumor-associated epilepsy, however first-line treatment fails to control seizures in most patients. Thus, there is a critical need to identify novel drivers of glioblastoma-induced neuronal hyperexcitability. We therefore used high-density electrode arrays to record local field potentials in vivo from gliomas. We then developed cerebral organoid and mouse models using primary glioblastoma cells from patients and neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem cells. Single-cell RNA sequencing (13,730 cells analyzed) in this system identified genes elevated in glioma-intrinsic neurons, including the sodium-potassium-chloride co-transporter 1 (NKCC1), which mediates chloride (Cl-) influx into cells. This elevated NKCC1 expression and subsequent increase of intracellular Cl- sets the reversal potential of GABAAR-mediated currents promoting depolarizing excitatory GABAergic responses. Electrophysiological analysis of glioma-neuron co-cultures using multi-electrode array and live-cell calcium imaging demonstrated increased network burst synchrony in the presence of NKCC1-high expressing tumor cells. Single-nucleus sequencing (54,000 cells analyzed) of embryonic neurons in co-culture with GBM cells further confirmed the elevated expression of circuit assembly genes including neuronal NKCC1. Live-cell imaging of iPSC-induced neuron organoids co-cultured with NKCC1-high-and low-GBM cells revealed increased migration and integration of NKCC1-elevated tumor cells. Mechanistic and functional studies validating therapeutic vulnerabilities to NKCC1 silencing by shRNA knockdown and by the FDA-approved diuretic drug, bumetanide was performed in vitro. The reduction in neuronal synchrony induced by NKCC1 downregulation correlated with a decrease in extracellular GABA and glutamate, suggesting a strong association between excitatory GABAergic and glutamate signaling with neuronal hypersynchrony in glioblastoma. Patient-derived xenograft in vivo experiments evaluated the effect of NKCC1 on tumor growth and progression and NKCC1-high GBM cells exhibited greater tumor burden compared to control mice. Collectively, these findings reveal a novel mechanism driving neuronal hyperactivity in glioblastoma and identifies potential therapeutic vulnerabilities for the treatment of glioma-associated epilepsy.

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