
The brain is a vital component of the body that is in control of involuntary and voluntary movements such as walking, memory, and vision. Nowadays, some of the most prevalent brain disorders include Alzheimer's disease, brain tumors, and epilepsy (paralysis or stroke). As a result, stroke has become a significant global health concern, with high rates of mortality and disability. Importantly, approximately two-thirds of all strokes occur in developing countries, highlighting the significant burden of this condition in these regions. Therefore, emphasizing the timely detection and appropriate treatment of brain tumors is crucial. Given the high potential for mortality or severe disability associated with stroke disease, prioritizing active primary prevention and early identification of prognostic symptoms is of paramount importance. Ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke are the two primary classifications for stroke diseases. Each type calls for specific emergency treatments, such as the administration of thrombolytics or coagulants, tailored to their respective underlying mechanisms. However, to effectively manage stroke, it is crucial to promptly identify the precursor symptoms in real-time, as they can vary among individuals. Timely professional treatment within the appropriate treatment window is essential and should be provided by a medical institution. In contrast, prior research has primarily centered around the formulation of acute treatment strategies or clinical guidelines subsequent to the occurrence of a stroke, rather than giving sufficient attention to the early identification of prognostic symptoms. Specifically, recent research has extensively utilized image analysis techniques, such as computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), as a primary approach for detecting and predicting prognostic symptoms in stroke patients.
 Traditional methodologies not only encounter difficulties in achieving early real-time diagnosis but also exhibit limitations in terms of prolonged testing duration and high testing costs. In this study, we introduce a novel system that employs machine learning techniques to predict and semantically interpret prognostic symptoms of stroke. Our approach utilizes real-time measurement of multi-modal bio-signals, namely electrocardiogram (ECG) and photoplethysmography (PPG), with a specific focus on the elderly population.
 To facilitate real-time prediction of stroke disease during walking, we have developed a stroke disease prediction system that incorporates a hybrid ensemble architecture. This architecture synergistically combines Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Random Forest (RF) models, enabling accurate and timely prognostication of stroke disease. The suggested method prioritises the convenience of use of bio-signal sensors for the elderly by collecting bio-signals from three electrodes placed on the index finger. These signals include ECG and PPG, and they are obtained while the participants walk. The CNN-RF model delivers satisfactory prediction accuracy when using raw ECG and PPG data. F1-Score, Sensitivity, Specificity, and Accuracy were the performance parameters used to evaluated the model's performance.

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