
This study focuses on the development of a deep learning-based approach of gearbox monitoring and fault detection. The project aims to create a solution for early detection of defects in dynamic equipment based on data from vibration sensor by building a binary classifier with convolutional neural network implemented. The gearboxes condition of which is being assessed is stored in three similar computer numerically controlled (CNC) milling machines. Data is collected during 15 milling operations of different duration and with different tool’s speed and feed. Vibration is measured by an accelerometer stored on the body of each gearbox. Convolutional neural network takes vibration spectra as inputs and whether fault is detected makes a prediction of a gearbox condition. To make the whole solution autonomous and be able to embed it into manufacture the project is integrated into a server with an edge-to-cloud architecture. As an end product deep learning fault classifier stored on a server is to detect possible gearbox faults, draw conclusions on condition of dynamic equipment and automate the process of fault detection.

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