
ABSTRACT Java is used in large enterprise server applications. Enterprise applications are characterized by large amount of live heap data and considerable thread level parallelism. Garbage collectors are programs that attempts to reclaim garbage, or memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use by the main program [1]. The strength of Java platform is that it performs automatic memory management, thereby shielding developers from the complexity of explicit memory management. This paper provides an overview of features shared by most Garbage collectors in the latest version of java (as of Jan-2012) Java7. This document also attempts to compare the CMS (Concurrent Mark and Sweep) collector against its replacement and a new implementation in Java7, G1 aka “Garbage first” [2]. General Terms Garbage Collection, G1 collector, Concurrent Mark and Sweep (CMS). Keywords Java 7 Hotspot, G1, Garbage First, CMS, Concurrent Mark and Sweep, Performance, Comparisons.

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