
Power amplifiers (PAs) determine much of the efficiency and linearity of transmitters in wireless communication systems, both on the base station side and in the handset device. With the move to third-generation (3G) communication systems as well as other systems such as Ultra-Wideband (UWB), a higher linearity is required due to envelope variations of the radio frequency (RF) signal. The traditional way of guaranteeing sufficient linearity is backing off the PA; however, this results in a significant drop in efficiency, and thus in reduced battery lifetime for the handheld device and increased cooling requirements for the base station. With the current energy costs, and increased density of base stations, this is fast becoming an important issue. A second issue in current wireless communication systems is the requirement for a certain range of transmitter output power control, e.g. for 3G systems. Depending on the distance to the base station, a difference in handset output power in the range of tens of dB may occur. If the PA efficiency is peaking for maximum output power, and is reduced considerably for lower output power, the average efficiency of the transmitter calculated over its full output power range of operation will be low. Thus, efficiency improvement for lower output power is an important aspect in transmitter design. Moreover, current wireless communication handsets require a multi-band/multi-standard approach, so that several communication standards are incorporated in one device. Ideally this would all be achieved by one PA, but current standard is that multiple PAs are used for multiple standards, in worst case each with its bulky, costly output filter. In order to address efficiency and linearity issues, different transmitter architectures have been proposed and implemented throughout the years, such as for instance Envelope Elimination and Restoration (EER) or Envelope Tracking (ET), varieties of polar transmission where the envelope and phase of the signal are processed separately. Also, different PA architectures have been used, such as Doherty and switched mode amplifiers, often complemented with linearity-improving measures such as digital predistortion or feedback. With the coming of age of handset production, cost effectiveness has driven wireless communication transceiver design to higher levels of integration. As many building blocks as possible are integrated on the same chip, and the use of external bulky filters is avoided if possible. CMOS technology has been the main choice for this development, due to the possible integration of digital, mixed-signal and analog circuits. However, CMOS was not

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