
We study the recurring jets near AR11176 during the period 2011 March 31 17:00 UT to April 1 05:00 UT using observations from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). Mini-filaments (mini-filament1 & 2) are found at the base of these recurring jets where mini-filament1 shows the partial signature of eruption in case of Jet1-3. However, the mini-filament2 shows a complete eruption driving a full blow-out jet (Jet4). The eruption of mini-filament2 triggers C-class flare and Jet4 eruption. The eruption of Jet4 triggers a coronal mass ejection (CME). The plane-of-sky velocity of recurring jets (Jet1-4) results in 160 km/s, 106 km/s, 151 km/s and 369 km/s. The estimated velocity of CME is 636 km/s. The continuous magnetic flux cancellation is observed at the base of the jet productive region which could be the cause of the eruption of mini-filaments and recurring jets. In the former case, the mini-filament1 shows partial eruption and first three jets (Jet1-3) are produced, but the rate of cancellation was rather low. However, in the latter case, mini-filament2 fully erupts (perhaps because of a higher cancellation rate), and this triggers a C-class flare and a CME-productive jet. At the base of first three jets (Jet1-3), the mini-filament1 causes to push the overlying dynamic complex thin loops resulting in the reconnection and drives the jet (Jet1-3) eruptions. The formation of the plasma blobs are observed during the eruption of the first jet (Jet1).

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