
Theory posits that reproduction carries a cost in terms either of future fecundity, growth or survival. Different life history strategies may evolve in response to different external sources of mortality. In ectothermic organisms, such as insects and reptiles, reproductive characteristics may also vary due to effects of differences in body temperature on activity and physiological performance. In this study, female pygmy grasshoppers [Tetrix subulata (L.) Orthoptera: Tetrigidae] belonging to four different colour morphs were maintained under two different temperatures, and data on reproductive life history traits were used to test for costs of reproduction, plasticity of reproductive characteristics in response to temperature and variation among colour morphs in reproductive strategies. The results revealed that average clutch size decreased progressively from the first to third clutch, and that females producing relatively large clutches displayed a greater reduction (in both absolute and relative terms) in the number of eggs to the following clutch, as expected from the hypothesis that present reproduction negatively affects future fecundity. Great expenditure on present reproduction also negatively influenced the time to next clutch:the decrease in mean clutch size with clutch number was associated with a reduction in inter-clutch interval, and clutch interval increased with clutch size across individuals within colour morphs. Females maintained in a warm environment were more likely to oviposit, laid their first clutch earlier, produced more clutches and had shorter intervals between sequential clutchesthan females in a cold environment, suggesting that differences in body temperature may contribute to variation in reproductive performance within and among natural populations. A comparison among colour morphs maintained under identical conditions suggested that females belonging to certain morphs produce relatively large clutches at the expense of fewer clutches per unit time. However, experimental data revealed no difference in relative fat content between dark and pale individuals maintained either in sun-exposed outdoor enclosures (where they were unable to increase their body temperature by basking) or in shaded enclosures. This suggest that the divergence in life history strategies among colour morphs may reflect a response to morph-specific differences in adult survival imposed by visually searching predators, rather than being due to the effects of differences in body temperature.

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