
SummaryClutches of Red Grouse eggs were collected from the wild and subsequent hatching and rearing done in standard conditions in captivity. Variations in chick survival from one clutch to another in the same year were related to differences in hatch weight. Hatch weight was determined only partly by egg size. Weight loss between laying and hatching was related to survival independently of egg size. Variation in this weight loss obscured any simple relationship between egg size and survival, except in eggs laid by captive hens.Intrinsic differences amongst hens caused some variations in laying date, egg size, hatch weight and chick survival. Variations in egg size and hatch weight accounted for less than half the variation in survival; other unmeasured intrinsic factors were also important.Big clutches hatched earlier than small ones. The commonest clutches were of seven and eight eggs, with six and nine frequent. Very big clutches of ten or more eggs were infrequent and chicks from them sometimes survived worse than from smaller clutches.As in other species, the commonest clutch sizes were not the most productive. There was no simple relationship between egg size and clutch size.

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