
The article is devoted to the analysis of clusters as a new factor of increasing competitiveness in the modern economy. The initial preconditions for the formation of clusters are described (the presence of competitive enterprises, presence of competitive advantages for cluster development in region, geographical concentration, an extensive selection of participants, existence of links and interactions between cluster entities). The characteristic features of clusters are given (the possibility of research and development; qualification of the workforce; improvement of labor potential, collective vision and leadership; proximity of suppliers and connections with them; availability of capital; access to specialized services; associated structures; intensity of network formation; entrepreneurial energy; innovation and training). The general features of cluster formations are characterized (presence of critical mass; specialization of firms on various aspects of the value chain; mainly horizontal structure of relations and regulation) The classification of clusters is given (by territorial coverage, by stage of cluster development, by degree of products novelty, by role in the system of exchange and use of knowledge, by presence and degree of development of elements in cluster structure, by level of aggregation of cluster participants, by nature of the industry of enterprises participating in the cluster). The models of cluster formation (Italian, Japanese, Finnish, North American, Indian-Chinese, etc.) are highlighted.

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